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Amanda Godin, RVT.
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Some of APro Pet Pal's many friends
Dog walking and cat sitting with APro Pet Pal
Amanda Kaiser and Tux

A walk in front of my place - Spring 2004
Steve and Bailey
Steve invites Bailey to play ball in his back yard (both regular clients of APro Pet Pal)
Pumpkin and Amanda
A special elderly female cat gets a pat in her suite
Mirage the amazing burmese X
Chilling out in her regular suite - Mirage has been a frequent guest of APro Pet Pal's since 2003.
What can I say about this beautiful face? He's been walking us since 2005.
Sir Walter and Samuel Picwick - Beautiful Bedlingtons
When they got off the couch were a lot of fun. Regular walkers since 2002, they passed away within a few months of each other in 2010
The above animals are just some of the reasons I love my job
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